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  • blauntrvfb
  • Mobile:6673527372
  • Website:https://sites.google.com/view/sportsphysiotherapyottawa/home
  • Your fitness level can also be assessed by sports therapists. They will identify weak spots. They can also prescribe exercises for people with tendonitis, muscle imbalances, back pain or shin splints. This can improve your performance and minimize injury risks.Ever felt back and neck pain, muscle strains, injuries or sprains. These issues can be addressed by orthopedic physiotherapy. An experienced therapist can diagnose and manage musculoskeletal conditions that may affect flexibility or range of motion.In general, treatment involves a mix of balance and stretching exercises, cryotherapy, massage, ice and heat therapy, or spine manipulation techniques. A physiotherapist may also suggest at-home exercises or ergonomic devices that can speed up healing.

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